Archipelago GUUAM

The regional presidents must elect the new one

President of Georgia Eduard Shivarnadze told the daily Georgian journal ASAVAL- DASAVALY ,that GUUAM- the Association of Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Moldova- would be more vigorous organization, than CIS. According to Shivarnadze, CIS is ‘an attempt of Russia to influence over its former territory’ and it doesn’t have the future. (It’s very strange, that Shivarnadze has forgotten the British community).

Western media recognize GUUAM as community created by pro- western former Soviet Republics.

First it was an informal and strictly economic organization. It kept the principles of CIS, enough peacefully…The second step was control over defense problems… Though the members of GUUAM still insist on following CIS, Shivarnadze claims replacement CIS for GUUAM…

‘But GUUAM declares it early’- the observes count. ‘ Although Azerbaidzhan and Georgia wish the place in NATO, and NATO is interested in events in the Caucasus- the main reason is oil,- Ukraine and Moldova have large Russian communities and worry the West to help indeed…Shevarnadze shouldn’t be so optimistic…’

I am always interested in logic of leaders of small states. Why do they expect the replacement of owners as blessing? It might more pleasant to be backwoods of the’ all civilized democratic world’, than to try being independent…

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Куратор Любовь Степушова
Любовь Александровна Степушова — обозреватель Правды.Ру *