What had been thrown, On that were undermined

On Monday, two British sappers of the 36th engineering regiment were lost, at clearing the Kosovo region from explosive subjects. The military officials have hurry to inform, that the soldiers were undermined on a mine of the Yugoslav Army. It was found out later, that the death of the sappers was caused by effect of one charge of a NATO’s aviabomb. They have become the first losses of the Nothern-Atlantic Alliance on the Balkans.

This tragedy has one remarkable feature more: The 36th engineering regiment, engaged in dangerous works on mine neutralizing now, basically is completed with soldiers…from Nepal by origin. Probably, in relation to ‘ radical’ British soldiers the Commander tries to avoid ‘excessive’ risk.

The situation on mine-neutrolizing in Kosovo isn’t simple, actually. In opinion of the experts, it is required about 8 years to neutralize charges and aircharges still remaining on the Kosovo territory bi- monthly bombardments after. Having such volume of ‘work’, it can suffice and for soldiers of a British origin.

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Куратор Любовь Степушова
Любовь Александровна Степушова — обозреватель Правды.Ру *