As is known, the critics of actions of the American administration inside the USA paid special attention to that the military operation against Yugoslavia had result- ‘America has lost Russia’, because the plenty of financial injections in ‘Russian democracy’ have appeared empty, owing to anti-American ideas. Probably, being guided by these statements, yesterday USA President for the first time has given an interview to one of private Russian telechannels. Curiously, the leader of program, obviously protesting against pulling of Russian paratroopers in the airport of Pristina, asked Clinton to comment first of all: whether it was reflected in deterioration of our mutual relation with West? Clinton told, that it was not present.

And there he passed in attack, declaring, that he hoped for objective illumination by Russian telechannels of Kosovo events:’ it is necessary to tell about those deprivations, which the Albanian majority has suffered in result of ethnic cleanings’. The question on that, how many houses of the same Albanians had been destroyed by NATO’s strikes was not put.

In other words, with yesterday's interview, new pro-American campaign in mass media has begun. The state mass media in this case are also guided by words of the Russian president: "After fight it is necessary to be reconciled".

And in fact: yesterday once again one member of the ‘group of eight’ confirmed, that Russia had become an ally of this ‘group of eight’ of the conducting states of the world. The group, that began the military operation in Yugoslavia, without any negotiation with Russia and Japan.

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Куратор Любовь Степушова
Любовь Александровна Степушова — обозреватель Правды.Ру *