As a matter of fact, the arrangement just about it was achieved in Helsinki
As well as the‘PRAVDA’- INTERNET’ predicted on Friday, Russian Defense Minister Igor Sergeev and Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov agreed that our country wouldn’t have own sector in Kosovo and Metokhiya. Then we stated the assumption, that we should be contented with that our military in Kosovo ‘will not directly submit to NATO’. As was found out, we a little ‘made a blunder’ with the forecast. They will be, indeed. Sergeev could only stipulate the right of our officers ‘in case the orders of NATO’s Command will seem to them wrong, to act, previously by notifying Moscow, how they consider necessary’.
At the same time, according to the Helsinki arrangements, our contingent will consist of five divisions, placed on the American, French, German and English sectors. Thus, the Russians become’ an alive board ‘for the Americans, as they can’t have easy life after the bombardments, which were on Kosovo and Metokhiya, mainly. However, they should realize it later, when the first touch of gladness of KLA’s fighters, which have come back in the territory, and the Albanian refugees, coming back in their destroyed houses, pass.
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