In spite of the fact that the government has removed the bill, offered it, and has offered to negotiate the one, coordinated by a tripartite commission, most likely, the lower house of Russian parlament will reject it also. The negative position of the Communists today, the ‘apple ones’ have joined to.
Thus, the law, which could bring in the budget of additional four billion roubles and which has become a certain test for government, in the nearest minutes can be failed. After Sergey Stepashin, and Alexander Pochinok has declared an opportunity of formulation of a question about trust to government on Duma. It seems, that the premier, authorized ‘ on hurrah’, shortly can release a high post for the more unacceptable for the deputies person. The most curious thing, that the same fractions dump governments, with which express trust.
Well, but lobbies of the Russian oil generals it is possible to applaud to only…
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