Kirienko begins public investigation

The struggle the ex- premiere with the present Moscow mayor proceeds. Curiously that, despite of accusations to Sergey Kireenko in connection with Kremlin, he basically addresses to public.

As “PRAVDA’- INTERNET” already informed, the Moscow authorities have threatened to the leader of movement “New force” with court in Moscow for the statements about existing corruption in the metropolitan government and its divisions. The answer of Kirienko has become known today:he organizes public investigation of activity of Moscow authorities. “For us your offers are important. The facts of arbitrariness, corruption and bureaucratic abusings in Moscow authorietes’ menagment are important”,— he addresses to Moscovites and visitors of capital and announces that the round-the-clock hot line of “Moscow alternative” begins working from tomorrow's day. Anyone phoned on the phone +7- 095- 201-86-03 within three minutes can tell how his rights and freedom have been broken by Moscow authorities.

Certainly, there will be a lot of bells, but the question is: what Sergey Kirienko will prove by such actions. That is why it is necessary to wait for a new course from Yury Luzhkov.

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Куратор Любовь Степушова
Любовь Александровна Степушова — обозреватель Правды.Ру *