The trial The Kurdish leader over is stopped

The little break in the trial over the leader of the Workers’ Party of Kurds, Abdullah Ocalan, is declared. The Turkish procurators officially demanded a death question for Ocalan. They charged the Kurdish leader with separatism and armed actions against the Turkish State. Ocalan’s lawyers asked the court for 15 days more for preparation of needful arguments for protection. This stop gives possibility to the lawyers to elaborate all more carefully. Hearings are planning on June, 23. Abdullah Ocalan didn’t contests all charges to him during the trial. But he tried to pay the court attention to the future and sounded that the Turkish government must co-operate with him for stopping all actions from Kurds. The Workers’ Party of Kurds declared that the decision to kill him may be suicide for Turkey.

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Куратор Любовь Степушова
Любовь Александровна Степушова — обозреватель Правды.Ру *