The exam Of The UN Security Councile effectiveness is on

At night a project of resolution that had been made in Bonn by eight foreign ministers we received. Yesterday the ‘Pravda –Internet’ informed that the text had a lot of shortcomings in and wasn’t ready for work. So, there isn’t any words about adoption

Of new UN resolution before stopping of NATO strikes in Yugoslavia only.

According to the Russian envoy for the UN, Sergey Lavrov, words during this meting of ‘eight’ Igor Ivanov kept the position that was agreed with . Chine insists on bombs stopping before the text of resolution will be confirmed. The Chine envoy for the UN declared that there were a lot of ‘ dim formulations ‘

So this project has been started to negotiate in the UN Security Council. Depending on actions of Russia and Chine is own the UN effectiveness. Will the NATO countries make concessions for the UN demands if they use to make business with politicians like Chernomirdin ?will any compromis be founded ?We’ll know it soon…

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