‘X’DAY WILL BE ON JULY 26 According to one of the Kremlin scripts new mass disturbances must be engineered on this day

One of the main themes of political life inside Sadovoye Ring of Moscow is a delay of an issue of the IZWESTIYA newspaper having an interview with the President of Russia. However, to officials, speaking to the PRAVDA- INTERNET on condition of anonymity, the matter was different. The text of the interview consists words about an opportunity of reburial place for Lenin.

Around of this future event a script of development of political life is being built. So, as is known, a work over new variant of burial place under the decree of the President is in process. It means that before the elections there is going to be a wave of demonstrations and declarations from the supporters of the CPRF and other ‘left’ parties. And a result is easy guessed- interdiction of any activities. So, the ‘left’ will be protected participation in the elections. ‘X’-day will come on July 26.

Up to this moment the answer of Boris Yeltsin to the question of the IZWESTIYA is well- known. So,

‘- One direct question to you, Boris Nikolaevich, will Lenin be reburied?

Yes, he will. But when- is a difficult question. The problem is too serious. Lenin in the Mavzoley is a historical symbol of the past of Russia. On the other hand, I agree with Head of the Russian Church Alexiy II – it isn’t with Christian and human tradition to demonstrate the body of the dead man. I think the needful commission must be formed to negotiate all questions.’ So, Yeltsin speaks about the special state commission. Counting that the text could be corrected by the editors of the Kremlin, we have a question: either the Court has refused destabilizing of the opponents ,or wants to find them unawares…

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Куратор Любовь Степушова
Любовь Александровна Степушова — обозреватель Правды.Ру *