CHERNOMYRDIN HAD APLAUSE IN SALZBURG But Russian peacekeepers will be in Yugoslavia after NATO’s claims are fulfilled.

The fourth day long Russian paratroopers to Kosovo and Metohija are being put on indefinite standby because Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania doesn’t grant Moscow permission to use their airspace.

Meanwhile on the Defense Ministry of Russia are talks going on between Russian and NATO’s military experts. The key issue is so- called technical questions of dislocation of our military contingent in the Yugoslavian province. The Russian paratroopers will be to stay there until agreements over all points are accepted.

As is known, in the meantime Viktor Chernomyrdin had success on the economical forum in Salzburg. He was accepted as one of the main peacekeepers. Yesterday in his interview for one of private TV channels he said the main his task there had been done.

But what about the Russian peacekeepers? Should they wait else?….

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Куратор Любовь Степушова
Любовь Александровна Степушова — обозреватель Правды.Ру *
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