The refugees center in the Netherlands is found out as a key place of kidnapping.
There are about 700 political refugees temporarily living after they requested residence permit in the Netherlands. During the last some months a great number of Turkish Kurds, Iraqis , Ironies, and Afghans were illegal departed through this camp to Scandinavia. It was found out as a result of the action of Dutch borders and special brigade of police of Amsterdam. The police has announced that the Center is in mess: ‘There is no supervision of tenants, anyone can come or leave and illegal refugees can receive food and a night’s lodging’.
On these days 44 modern slave- sellers from Iran, Iraq, countries of former Eastern Block were arrested. The head of the network forwarding foreign women to Dutch brothels was a 27-aged Moldavian. A 35- aged citizen of Iraq helped him with getting the counterfeit documents. At the same time 12 their victims were arrested for dispatch from the country. Other gang of 7 members forwarded the illegal refugees from Italy to the Scandinavian countries. It took $1,000 per- one to reach up to Heerlen and $800 more to continue the route…
There were different ways to take ‘ illegal refugees’: through Belgian or Germany. One family of Afghans paid $28,000 for moving from Italy to Holland… Th police hasn’t found the money which were received by the members of the gangs. There is a possibility to find it abroad.
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