Our observers inform from Yugoslavia

In Croatia is the worst situation for Serbian refugees from Krajina who were replaced in Kosovo having everything left in Croatia… Now they should run away, but there isn’t place to stay…They have relatives neither in Serbia, nor Chernogoria to ask for help. They have neither money, nor home… The UN hasn’t meant them as refugees since they were ‘ethnic cleaned’ from Croatia. Yugoslavian government wants them to return to Kosovo- to keep their Serbian presence. But who will be to risk his children lives? To return in today’s Kosovo means to be buried… And the ‘civilized’ world is silent about this tragedy.

In Croatia are voices against American- NATO’s presence raising. One of these days on Croatian TV was the program in which were investigations of too frequent ‘accidents’ on roads with participation of NATO’s vehicles. According to the conditions which Yugoslavia rejected in Rambuija, NATO’s militaries don’t bear responsibility for material and ‘human’ damage in Bosnia. The local government can’t protect the own citizens. NATO’s ‘heroes’ have immunity from jurisdiction for their crimes. The local inhabitants have the only right to complain to the Command and wait for the decision, without processing. One report coming from Croatia transmitted the fate of one family which had a 3- aged daughter and her grandfather lost directly in the street, under a KFOR’s vehicle. The parents of the girl have submitted to court- including the action on indemnification, but nobody has answered yet…

More than 60 % of accusations to address of NATO’s military deviate at once, in the first instance, without investigation.

It’s the bright picture of ‘democratic and civilized’ life under NATO.

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Куратор Любовь Степушова
Любовь Александровна Степушова — обозреватель Правды.Ру *